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23 Amazing Health Benefits of Bitter Leaf


Nature has provided us with so many healthy options in the form of plants and herbs. Although science has discovered so many new beneficial things, but many plants and animals still have hidden health benefits that are not discovered by the researchers. With every rise of the Sun, there is a new discovery in science. The origin of most of the drugs is plants. These drugs are used to treat diseases. Scientists make similar molecules to those drugs and discover new treatments of different diseases. One of those medically important plants is Vernonia amygdalina, commonly known as bitter leaf. If you want to know the health benefits of this miraculous plant, you should spare sometime in reading this article.

Bitter leaf has a taste that many people can’t withstand, though the plant really does have an impressive list of health benefits. So, if you can get past the flavour, you’ll be rewarded in more ways than one.

Bitter leaf, botanically called Vernonia amygdalina is a healthy sour vegetable that is majorly grown in the western and southern part of Nigeria, West Africa.

They are grown with the stem and are mainly planted during the rainy season because they grow well in the rainforest areas.

This vegetable is called onugbu in Igbo, efo ewuro in Yoruba, shakwa shuwaka in Hausa, and etidot in the Cross River State of Nigeria; it is bitter in taste as the name implies. 

They are especially known in Nigeria for culinary purposes, used in preparing Nigerian soup called Onugbu soup in Igbo land and many other local cuisines.

It is also used for pharmaceutical purposes in anti-helminths, laxatives, and fertility induction pills.

Bitter leaves themselves; the roots and the plant, in general, are highly medicinal and serve certain nutritional benefits in the human body.

Nutritional Facts About Bitter Leaf

Though bitter in taste, Bitter leaf contains essential vitamins such as vitamins A, C, and E, vitamin B1 and B2.

Other important nutrients found in a bitter leaf are fiber, proteins, and minerals such as manganese, zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, and selenium in traceable amounts.

There is also a presence of plant compounds such as andrographolide, sesquiterpenoids, polimetoksiflavon, apigenin, labdane diterpenoid, and andragrafin in traceable amounts.

Phytochemicals such as alkaloids, steroids, tannins, terpenes, and saponins are also found in the bitter leaf.

Some of the major health benefits of bitter leaf are as below:

1.  Improves Body Metabolism

Vitamin B1 called thiamine, in other words, plays an important role in the metabolism of lipids, amino acids, and glucose in the human body.

Thiamine is an important dietary supplement occurring naturally in a bitter leaf that helps to oxidize fatty acids in other to produce the synthesis of lipids.

Metabolism of lipids is commonly associated with carbohydrates, which can be converted into fats by known processes.

Bitter leaf is very effective in this chemical synthesis known as metabolism because it contains the mineral that plays the key role.

2.  Lowers High Blood Pressure

Chewing fresh bitter leaves or drinking the juice extracted from the leaves are commonly known to reduce sugar in the blood and control blood pressure due to the bitterness.

It is true because bitter leave has andrographolide content that contributes to sugar reduction in the blood and reduces the risk of diabetes.

There is also a trace of potassium in the bitter leaf, which is another good remedy for hypertension.

This mineral helps flush out the accumulation of salt, which spikes sodium in the bloodstream and causes delicate blood pressure (high blood pressure).

3.  Controls Blood Sugar

The bitter taste of bitter leaf depicts its role in controlling the blood sugar. According to different researches, the bitter leaf can help in treating diabetes. The phytochemicals, vitamins and other nutrients such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, ash and other chemicals in the bitter leaf are considered to aid lower blood sugar levels.

4.  Prevents Cancer Risks

The presence of anti-cancer properties in bitter leaves makes it effective in preventing and managing the hydatidiform mole, trophoblastic tumor, and lung tumor, which are signs of cancer.

Bitter leaf has also been mixed with other herbal preparations in an alternative medicine experiment on breast cancer.

Andrographolide, labdane diterpenoid present in the bitter leaf, is a plant compound and a powerful cancer curative agent studied scientifically and found effective in treating gastric cancer, colon, and prostate cancers.

5.  Treats Malaria

Bitter leaf has abundant amount of quinine in it. That is a natural anti malarial drug. The use of bitter leaf for malaria is from centuries. The malaria patient can take the juice of bitter leaf three times a day to cure malarial fever.

6.  Helps To Clear Fever

Bitter leaves contain flavonoids that have powerful antioxidant effects in treating several health issues such as feverish conditions.

Other elements like andrographolide lactones, glucosides, diterpene are also present in the leaves and work together to treat and trim down fever and its symptoms.

A glass of bitter leaf juice is a strong herbal medicine that helps combat malarial symptoms and reduce fever effects.

7.  Detoxifies The Body

The juice extracted from bitter leaf has detoxifying properties that help in mopping off impurities from the body.

This effect also helps get rid of toxins in the liver, kidney, lungs, and entire human body. In such a manner prevents liver and kidney problems such as stone development in such areas.

8.  Treats Insomnia

Many people fight with insomnia. It is a condition in which you cant fall asleep easily. Bitter leaf has some properties that can relax your mind and help you to fall asleep. That’ why bitter has traditionally been used to treat insomnia.

9.  Cures Fungal Infections

Bitter leaf has strong anti fungal properties. You can apply its paste on the skin infections to treat your fungal infections.

10.  Treats Stomach Upset

They are eaten raw or mashed to get the juice used in treating abdominal difficulties such as diarrhea, stomach upset, and gastrointestinal tract diseases like dysentery and related other issues.

Bitter leaves are the major agents recommended as a natural remedy for intestinal problems and stomach cramps.

Get a handful of fresh bitter leaves. Wash very well with a small quantity of salt and water.

Squeeze very well to extract the juice, then take a glass of this juice twice a day to flush off stomach problems.

11.  Helps in Weight Loss

Most of the properties of the bitter leaf have a direct association with weight loss.

To start with, incorporating bitter leaf as a vegetable in daily meals or eating just a few fresh leaves a day, or drinking the juice helps to reduce excess calories, which can cause weight gain.

It also helps ward off excess fat in the body, which is the bad cholesterol mentioned earlier in this article.

The fiber content in it and all the properties associated with weight loss found in bitter leaf make it a good weight loss diet. 

12.  Controls STD

Bitter has antibacterial properties. Its paste can be used to controls the external manifestation of STD by rubbing the paste on the genitals.

13.  Expels The Worms

Bitter leaf also has anti-parasitic properties. Its use can kill or expels the worms from your digestive system. You can use bitter leaf if you are facing worm infestation in your system.

14.  Good For The Bones & Teeth

Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant mineral found in bitter leaves that has a special role in the body which is the maintenance of bones and teeth and the prevention of deficiencies associated with this essential vitamin.

It also contains a trace of vitamin K. The functions of this vitamin extend outside blood clotting as it includes maintaining healthy bones and prevention bone tissue weakness called osteoporosis.

15.  Relieves Tiredness

Bitter leaf has reported to relieve your tiredness. You can drink a glass of bitter leaf juice to gain your energy back.

16.  Enhances Fertility

Bitter leaf is good for fertility of both men and women. The chemical compounds present in bitter leaf improves the sperm quality. And on the other hand, it has good effect on the fertility of females. As it helps in detoxification in the body, it helps in balancing the hormones of females. Compounds like edotides help in balancing the hormones and improving the immune system. That’s why use of bitter leaf can help you to get pregnant.

17.  Fights Free Radicals

Another nutrient in bitter leaf, vitamin E, serves as an antioxidant that fights against free radicals that have harmful effects on the body system.

The bitter leaf also contains an antibacterial compound known as sesquiterpenoids that give the property of bitter taste.

The major function of this plant compound is to scavenge free radicals from the body system and terminate their activities.

18.  Treats Skin Conditions

Bitter leaf paste can treat your skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, ringworms etc. The plant has different antimicrobial effects that’s why helps in treating many skin conditions. If you have a sensitive skin type, consult with the best dermatologist in Lahore before applying any home remedy.

19.  Improves Milk Production

Bitter leaf is also reported to have properties that improves the milk production in breast feeding mothers. That’s why its use can be beneficial for mothers who are trying to increase their milk supply.

20.  Healthy for Liver and Kidneys

Bitter leaf has detoxifying properties, that’s why its use can be very beneficial for your liver and kidneys. These vital organs are the necessity of the normal functions of the human body. That’s why their health is very important for us. Using bitter leaf can help you to make your liver and kidneys healthy and active.

Apart from so many health benefits, you should also keep in mind, that excess of everything is bad for your health. So the important thing is to keep check on the dose of any remedy. Bitter leaf has many medicinal drugs in it. That’s why it also has side effects if taken in large amount.

Over consumption of bitter leaf can cause iron deficiency. And it is not advisable to take bitter leaf during pregnancy, as it may cause miscarriage. So, it is important to get advice by the health professional or herbalist before consuming this plant.

21.  Treats Abdominal Conditions

Apart from stomach ulcers, bitter leaf can also treat medical conditions like, diarrhea, dysentery, stomach pain and many other stomach related problems. That’s why drinking the bitter leaf juice is good for your gastro-intestinal health.

22.  Treats Acne On Your Face

Bitter leaf has a lot of vitamins and helps in removing toxins from your body. That’s why its use can help you to treat your acne on your face. You can drink bitter leaf juice for this purpose, or you can apply the paste of bitter lead on your face to see the results.

23.  Helps in Treating Several Infections

Aside from all the health benefits pin-pointed above, the bitter leaf has the properties to treat skin wounds. It can also help treat mouth inflammations, skin infections, toothache, typhoid, ear inflammation, tuberculosis, and respiratory tract diseases.

Bitter Leaf Tea

Bitter leaf tea is an extract from the bitter leaf itself. It is used for medicinal purposes in treating gastrointestinal problems and generally protects the body from damages to cells, tissues, and organs.

Preparation and Cautions

For traditional medicinal purposes, bitter leaf is often consumed by chewing the tender stem to release a bitter liquid. Alternatively, you can pound the fresh leaves in a mortar and to press out the juice. Add a pinch of salt to three tablespoons of the undiluted liquid and drink.

Remember to always consult with your doctor about any medical concerns, conditions and supplements that you may be taking. Always take the advice of a medical professional on how to proceed with your treatment.

Final Thought 

Bitter leaf is an excellent vegetable with a line of health benefits. It also contributes to a certain healthy lifestyle and human outlook.

Bitter leaf is so effective on the skin because it helps wipe off wrinkles due to aging effects and radicals causing skin problems.

Upon all the benefits, a warning also follows that you should not give bitter leaf to infants and individuals with kidney problems except on recommendation by health practitioners. 

Note that bitter leaf juice works marvelously on human health just as the raw leaves but people who are allergic to bitter leaf should stop consuming it in any form.


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