For centuries, these tropical tree fruits have been enjoyed for their sweet, bright flavor. More recently, research has uncovered added benefits in the form of key nutrients that help people fight disease, maintain a healthy weight, and even ward off some signs of aging. Like peaches and cherries, mangoes are known as a stone fruit because of their center pit, which is easily recognizable because of its large size and flattened oval shape. Mangoes are originally from India but now grow abundantly in Mexico, South America, Africa, and parts of Florida and California. While at one time considered exotic, mango fruit is now available in most supermarkets and is a common ingredient in many dishes, owing to its popular flavor and versatility — it's delicious sliced, chopped, pureed, juiced, and even roasted. Here is everything you need to know about mangoes, including their nutrition content and health benefits, plus more ways to enjoy eating them. Nutrient Contents of Mangoes Thе mango...