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13 Amazing Health Benefits of Mangoes, The King of Fruits

For centuries, these tropical tree fruits have been enjoyed for their sweet, bright flavor. More recently, research has uncovered added benefits in the form of key nutrients that help people fight disease, maintain a healthy weight, and even ward off some signs of aging. Like peaches and cherries, mangoes are known as a stone fruit because of their center pit, which is easily recognizable because of its large size and flattened oval shape. Mangoes are originally from India but now grow abundantly in Mexico, South America, Africa, and parts of Florida and California. While at one time considered exotic, mango fruit is now available in most supermarkets and is a common ingredient in many dishes, owing to its popular flavor and versatility — it's delicious sliced, chopped, pureed, juiced, and even roasted. Here is everything you need to know about mangoes, including their nutrition content and health benefits, plus more ways to enjoy eating them. Nutrient Contents of Mangoes Thе mango...

15 Amazing Health Benefits of Watermelon

  Watermelon is very nutritious and is loaded with nutrients that add value to the general health of man and lifestyle. Watermelon fruits are one of the essential tropical fruits grown in areas like the United States, and Africa, though it is believed to have originated from Africa specifically from the Kalahari Desert, though the first-ever watermelon harvest was recorded in Egypt thousands of years ago.  Watermelon is rich in potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, selenium, folic acids, vitamins A, B6, and C, antioxidants, amino acids, lycopene, and much more are some of the nutrients contained in watermelon that have a major impact on human health. 15 Amazing Health Benefits of Watermelon  1.  Supplies the Body With Enough Quantity of water Due to the quantity of water contained in watermelon, it supplies the body with a good amount of water that helps in body hydration. Taking a good quantity of water is a very healthy and natural therapy that help...

12 Amazing Health Benefits of Soursop

  Soursop is also known as Graviola, an evergreen fruit rich in many chemicals, and it contains beneficial antioxidants and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and small amounts of iron that add to human health. Soursop is a hot fruit with a thick flesh that tastes sour. The indigenous Caribbean and American fruits although now widely grown in many parts of the world from Asia to Africa etc. Soursop contains a lot of nutritious content such as fat, protein, fructose, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, fiber, and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and more. The contribution of soursop fruit to human health is not limited to cancer treatment, energy-boosting, and bone health care.  Below are the 12 amazing health benefits of soursop: 1.  It helps in the treatment of cancer The great benefit of Soursop fruit is that it helps in the treatment of cancer; studies have shown that Soursop extracts have proven a solution for breast and liver cancer cells....

12 Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut

Coconuts have several nutritional contents that contribute to health improvement and development and not only that, they have an exceptional delicious taste as well. Coconuts are botanically said to be stone fruits are grown on the part of Nigeria and most parts of the United States such as southern Hawaii and central Florida, as well as the territories of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and Guam. Coconut is an excellent source of important nutrients such as are fiber, vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5, and B6 including minerals which are magnesium, phosphorous, iron, sodium, selenium, and calcium. They have the content of vital nutrients based on evidence that has proven health-worthy on several kinds of research. Aside from the benefits of coconut oil on the hair and skin, some of the other health benefits are: 1.  Helps in Oxygen Circulation The presence of iron in coconut helps in the transferring of oxygen within the body system; on the other hand, contains a good amount of potassium in ...

14 Amazing Health Benefits of Rose Or Water Apples

  Rose Apple or Water Apple is a tropical fruit with a wide range of amazing health benefits. It contains a great amount of water and lots of essential nutrients that are good for the brain health, liver and overall human body. They also contain some beneficial organic compounds which include friedelolactone, jambosine and betulinic acid that can treat fungal infections on the skin. Health benefits of rose apple or water apple are not just limited to the ones mentioned above. Other numerous benefits are been detailed in other sections of this article.  Nutritional Content  Rose apples are rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamin C, thiamin, niacin, dietary fiber, vitamin A, protein, calcium, phosphorus, citric acid, calcium, iron, sulfur, and potassium. 14 Amazing Health Benefits of Rose Or Water Apples  1.  It improves Skin Health The presence of certain components with anti-fungal and microbial effects in water or rose apple made it strong to prevent and cur...

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Avocado Pear

  Avocado pear has a range of noteworthy health benefits, which are mostly supported by scientific research. These benefits extend from the internal parts of the human body to the skin. What is Avocado Pear? This tropical fruit is packed full of nutrition that contributes to human health and lifestyle. The dull yellowish-green meat of the fruit is quite proteins and as beneficial as the egg-shaped seed at the center, called the stone or pit. It is an edible seed and also used as medicine in curing different types of ill health, which hypertension is majorly one of them. Avocado pears are found in the tropics and have the content of several essential nutrients that are beneficial to health, such are minerals and vitamins. Avocado Seeds The seed of avocado fruit is not poisonous in any way, instead they are known for medicinal and lifestyle characteristics. Most times, they are sliced and left under the sun to dry very well before been ground into powdered form. In this form, it is u...

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Mango

  Mango is a fleshy, oval-shaped fruіt that іѕ uѕuаllу іn its реаk ѕеаѕоn from April. It hаѕ a thіn skin, a fleshy раrt, аnd аn inner іnеdіblе seed.    NUTRIENT CONTENTS OF MANGO  Thе mango fruit іѕ ѕuреr rісh in mіnеrаlѕ аnd vіtаmіnѕ ranging frоm vіtаmіnѕ C, E, K, аnd B6, folate, thіаmіnе, раntоthеnіс асіd, chlorine, riboflavin, potassium, iron, саlсіum zinc, рhоѕрhоruѕ, рrоtеіn, fiber, ѕоdіum, саrbоhуdrаtеѕ, е.t.с. The mаjоr vіtаmіn found in thіѕ fruіt іѕ vіtаmіn A. And іt аlѕо contains the hіghеѕt соntеnt оf Bеtа Cаrоtеnе.    8 Amazing Health Benefits of  Mango  A fruіt thаt hаѕ thе аbоvе-lіѕtеd constituents іѕ dеfіnіtеlу еxресtеd tо have a wеаlth of nutritional bеnеfіtѕ fоr mаn. And indeed, thе mаngо fruіt dоеѕ. Thеу include:    Enhаnсеѕ Eуе Health  Wіth іtѕ hіgh vіtаmіn A and Bеtа саrоtеnе соntеnt, thе mаngо fruіt рlауѕ аn important rоlе in іmрrоvіng thе ѕtruсturе аnd funсtіоn оf thе eye. It helps tо improve rеtіnаl funсtіоn аn...