Getting old is inevitable. Many people are afraid of getting old because of their negative perspective to getting old which includes other losses attributed to their age status, but this article has provided you with important tips which will help you overcome the fear of getting old and understand that life seems more enjoyable at old age. What Does Fear of Getting Old Mean? The fear of getting old is called Gerascophobia and basically means that the person in question is afraid of being old or ageing. Is It Possible Not To Get Old? Getting old is natural, and we can’t work against nature. This means that it is impossible to avoid getting old but looking younger as we age is based on us entirely as we can achieve that through healthy dieting and suitable exercises. Here are 13 tips for beating your own fears of getting old: 1. Eat Healthily First, you need to start protecting your health now by eating healthy food. Remember the saying – We are what we eat. So your diets should...