Coconuts have several nutritional contents that contribute to health improvement and development and not only that, they have an exceptional delicious taste as well. Coconuts are botanically said to be stone fruits are grown on the part of Nigeria and most parts of the United States such as southern Hawaii and central Florida, as well as the territories of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and Guam. Coconut is an excellent source of important nutrients such as are fiber, vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5, and B6 including minerals which are magnesium, phosphorous, iron, sodium, selenium, and calcium. They have the content of vital nutrients based on evidence that has proven health-worthy on several kinds of research. Aside from the benefits of coconut oil on the hair and skin, some of the other health benefits are: 1. Helps in Oxygen Circulation The presence of iron in coconut helps in the transferring of oxygen within the body system; on the other hand, contains a good amount of potassium in ...