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12 Amazing Health Benefits of Okpa (Bambara Beans)

Okpa which is also known as Bambara groundnut pudding, Bambara beans or Bambara nut pudding has a lot of uncountable and amazing health benefits which is good for the body and vital for the normal functioning of the body as well.

In Nigeria, the name Okpa is mainly used than the name Bambara nut as it not popular like other food crops but it is termed as one of the “miracle food crops”, Why? because it has no side effects and gives the body eventually all it needs once it is consumed adequately (in the right proportion).

Some of the Popular Names for the Okpa Delicacy!

Okpa - Bambara nuts pudding is made from the predominately Bambara nut which is the main source of the food delicacy and is widely cultivated in West Africa.

It is known scientifically as Vigna subterranea and locally called Okpa in Igbo, Epa-roro in Yoruba, Kwaruru/Gurjya in Hausa, Nyima in Zimbabwe, Ntoyo cibemba in the Republic of Zambia, Jugo beans/ indlubu in South Africa, Njugu mawe in Kenya, Agbaroro in Sierra Leone, Njogo bean in Central Africa, Nzama/Njama in Malawi, Aboboi/Akyii in Ghana, Vonajobory/ Pistache malagache in Madagascar, and Kachang Manila in Malaysia.

Nutritional Value

Certainly, Okpa has much to offer our bodies in terms of nutritional value.  Bambara nut pudding contains numerous nutrients. This is because none of the nutrients are lost during the processing of the nuts into flour or the cooking of the pudding since the steaming method is predominantly used.  

Some of the vitamins and minerals found in Okpa are as much as they would have been found in the parent source which is Bambara nut. The nutrients supplied by a delicious Okpa meal include :

•  Carbohydrate

•  Protein (lysine, valine and other amino acids)

•  Fat

•  Vitamins

•  Fibre

The mineral content include :

•  Potassium

•  Phosphorus

•  Manganese

•  Tryptophan

•  Iron

•  Magnesium

•  Fluoride 

•  Calcium

•  Zinc

•  Selenium

•  Sodium

•  Copper

12 Amazing Health Benefits of Okpa (Bambara Beans)

You can enjoy a whole lot of amazing health benefits from Okpa delicacy. These benefits are good for the body as well as vital to its normal functioning. Let us look at the top twelve, probably they will help you make up your mind on adding Okpa to your diet, if you haven’t done that already.

1.  Immune System Improvement

Valine which is one of the amino acids which can also be found in okpa provides the body with the right benefits as it helps not only in the healthy growth of children but also helps in the normal regulation of the immune system and the body’s nitrogen content.

It also helps in the management of stress, repairs the tissues of the muscles and as well increases its metabolism.

2.  Contains Antioxidants Which Helps Prevent Cancer

It also helps in reducing the chances of getting cancer and other health issues because of the presence of antioxidants that protects the body from harmful food chemicals.

3.  Provides Protection Against Anaemia

The iron and other essential elements contained in okpa helps in protecting against the effects of various health conditions that can cause anaemia. Iron helps in the formation of healthy red blood cells which carry the hemoglobin that’s responsible for oxygen transport throughout the body. 

4.  Helps Prevent Malnutrition

It has all the essential nutrients that food needs and because of this, it helps in the prevention of malnutrition and other health problems such as kwashiorkor, rickets, etc., which are triggered or caused by poor and inadequate dieting.

5.  Promotes Healthy Body Regulation

The health benefits of Okpa are too numerous to count. Some of the gastrointestinal benefits of Okpa includes the prevention of diarrhea and other irritable bowel movement syndromes. In women, some of its benefits is seen in the regulation of menstrual flow including prolonged and heavy flow cycles.

6.  Prevents Bone Diseases

The minerals contained in the Bambara nuts/pudding (Okpa) such as calcium protects the body from arthritis, osteoporosis and other related bone diseases.

And not only that, but it also contains a mineral called lysine which is an amino acid commonly found in beans and other food protein and helps in the proper absorption of calcium in the body.

7.  Prevents Insomnia & Weight Gain

Bambara nut pudding just like Bambara nut contains tryptophan which produces niacin which in turn also produces/creates serotonin which is a neurotransmitter and helps in mood regulation, improves sleep/sleeping pattern and memory.

It also helps in digestion and serves as an appetite suppressant which is good for weight management (weight loss).

8.  Provides Strength

Okpa provides strength which can help alleviate the symptoms caused by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) which comes with “Extreme Exhaustion” or tiredness and is a disease which medically, there is no clue of what actually causes it or how it can be cured.

9.  Reduces Danger of Stomach Cancer

The antioxidant properties of the fatty acids in the Bambara groundnuts have the capacity to suppress the production of carcinogenic substances in the stomach. Hence, it prevents from any damage to the mucus lining of the stomach, it prevents irritation caused to the same due to the carcinogenic substances and hence, it helps in lowering the risk of stomach cancer.

10.  Lowers Cholesterol

Lysine is an essential element helping in proper growth, and plays a very important pin the manufacturing of carnitine. Carnitine is a nutrient accountable for breaking down of the fatty acids to provide energy to the body, thus it lowers the cholesterol levels in the blood.

11.  Fights Kwashiorkor

Bamabara groundnut plays an important role to provide the protein nourishment in the rural areas of many continents for the children. This helps those children to defeat Kwashiokor.

12.  Antimicrobial Action

Bambara groundnut milk is more easily acceptable as compared to the milk from other legumes in its species. It is rich in probiotics. Probiotics are microorganisms, which have been claimed to provide health benefits to the humans and animals. When probiotics are delivered in appropriate amount, extend to a benefit of the health of the recipient. These benefits to the recipients are subduing the development and action of the microbes in infection such as:

•  IBS – irritable bowel syndrome

•  Diarrhea

•  IBD – inflammatory bowel disease.

Culinary Use

Barbara groundnuts are boiled, salted, and eaten as a relish or roasted and eaten as a snack.

In the eastern part of Nigeria, bambara nuts are ground into a fine powder. The powder is then mixed with palm oil, salt, and pepper before being boiled into a cakey pudding (dumplings) to make “okpa”. Okpa is a delicious breakfast food common in Enugu, Nsukka, and Ngwo Nigeria.

In other parts of Africa, the nuts are processed into a flour and used in baking. They are also processed into probiotic beverages and used as a substitute for milk.

Side Effects 

Okpa is generally considered safe no matter how and when it is consumed but provided it is eaten in the right proportion as excessive intake can lead to weight gain.

How To Make Okpa

Ingredients for Okpa

•  500grams Okpa flour (Bambara nut flour)

•  50ml Palm oil(more or less)

•  2 tablespoonful Ground Crayfish(optional)

•  2 Stock cubes (crushed)

•  1 small onion(minced or chopped into tiny bits)

•  Ground chili Pepper (to taste)

•  Salt( to taste)

•  Warm water (as needed)

•  Container (could be bowls, Aluminium Foil Bags, Banana Leaves, Uma Leaves(Thaumatococcus Daniellii) or heat proof nylons)


The bambara nut flour is usually made industrially by grinding the nuts(with the skin on). But if you want to make the paste, simply soak the nuts, peel the skin and grind until smooth.


•  Pour the okpa  flour into a bowl, add the palm oil and mix thoroughly, until the flour changes from white to orange or yellow.

•  Next, add the warm water and mix thoroughly until there is no lump, but it shouldn’t be too watery.

•  Add the ground crayfish,stock cubes, onions, pepper and salt to taste.Mix thoroughly.

•  Pour the mixture into your container of choice and place in a pot of boiling water(just as you do with Moi Moi). Leave to boil for 45 minutes.

You might need to add some water to the pot as the water dries up.

•  The Okpa should be ready after 45 minutes.But if you’re not sure, let it boil for 1hr.

Leave to cool a bit. Serve  and enjoy!

How Okpa (Bambara nuts) can be Consumed!

In as much as Bambara nut pudding (Okpa) is made from Bambara groundnuts which is a very good source of many nutrients, it is also good to know that its health benefits are almost second to none, as it is used for various medicinal and therapeutic purposes, and contains all the nutrients that our body needs to function well.

Okpa is the name for Bambara nut and also the name for the delicacy it is known for. Generally, it is cooked using the steaming method and can be taken along with Pap (Akamu or ogi), drinks, soaked garri flakes and others.


Okpa is one of the healthy snacks which is commonly found in Nigeria, especially the Eastern part, as well as other African countries. So if you are a lover of this delicacy, continue dieting with it because of its healthy benefits to your body.

Although this food crop has no known negative effects, it is best, you consume it in a moderate manner to be on the safe side.







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