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When is it best to brush your teeth?

When you want to stay on top of your dental hygiene routine, it’s not a question of how many times per day you should brush your teeth. (However, a good rule of thumb is at least twice, according to the American Dental Association. We agree with them.) The most important question is the best times of day to brush your teeth.  Brushing your teeth ensures that sugar, food, and other debris isn’t sitting on your teeth collecting bacteria. Going too long without brushing can cause cavities - and, even if you’ve brushed your teeth every single night for years, you can still get cavities simply by going all day without brushing if you’re drinking sugary drinks or eating food that’s high in sugar or carbohydrates (as these are the top two culprits of cavities). Cavities can be avoided by sticking to a strict tooth brushing schedule.  Best Times of Day to Brush In short, the best times of the day to brush your teeth are in the morning and in the evening. Some wonder if after eating br...

15 Tips to Get Rid of Cold Symptoms

As soon as cold symptoms hit, you want to get rid of them quickly. It’s hard to focus on the things you love to do when your nose feels stuffy and runny, you can’t stop sneezing, and your throat feels scratchy. Maybe you’ve heard your doctor, family member, or friend say that there is no cure for the common cold. Unfortunately, they’re correct. Over 200 viruses can cause the common cold, but it’s most commonly caused by a group of viruses known as rhinoviruses. To date, there are no antiviral medications that can fight the viruses that cause the common cold. Also, you can’t treat the common cold with antibiotics as these are only used to treat infections caused by bacteria. The good news? You don’t need to suffer with the symptoms while your body fights off the cold virus. Over-the-counter medicines can help relieve your toughest cold symptoms. 15 Tips to Get Rid of Cold Symptoms 1.  Drink lots of fluids Staying hydrated with lots of fluids can thin your mucus and make it easier fo...

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Bitter Kola

Did you know that Coca-Cola got its name from a common African tree? Some of the first recipes for Coca-Cola were made using the extract of the bitter kola plant. Though the company hasn’t used actual kola to flavor their sodas in years, the name remains a reminder of the unusual plant that inspired the iconic drink. Bitter kola, also known as bitter cola or Garcinia Kola, is a plant found in Central and Western Africa that has long been valued for its medicinal properties. Although traditional African medicine uses all parts of the Bitter Kola plant, the seeds are mostly commonly eaten. Bitter kola seeds have a sharp, bitter flavor that eases into a slight sweetness as you chew, and they’re typically eaten raw. In terms of taste, the plant is well named! The edible seeds have a notably bitter taste, while there is also a slight sweetness to them. When consumed, bitter kola offers many nutrients, and studies have shown that the plant is high in carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamin c, c...

Tomatoes and Its Amazing Health Benefits

  Tomatoes are nutrient-dense edible fruits that are always red, classified as fruit and vegetables belonging to the nightshade family. It originated from West Southern America and but today. Tomatoes are everywhere in the world, including Nigeria, located in the Western Part of Africa. Tomatoes contain some essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and others with lots of nutritional benefits. 13 Amazing Health Benefit of Tomatoes 1.  Rich in Antioxidant There are organic compounds called lycopene, the primary carotenoid in the human body, and a more robust antioxidant that protects the system from oxidative damage and prevents free radicals that cause cancer in the body. The lycopene found in tomatoes protects the body against mouth and breast cancer and fights against cervical prostate cancer, prostate cancer, cancer of the rectum and stomach, and esophagus and pharynx cancers. Consuming tomatoes will aid in preventing any chance of cance...

All You Need To Know About Poliosis

  Poliosis is a disease that causes one or more white spots to appear on a person's hair. Looking in the bathroom mirror and noticing streaks of white hair that weren't there before can be a disturbing experience. Like many other things in life, poliosis is less scary when understood. Here is an overview of what poliosis is, what it means to the person who has it, and how they can deal with it. What is poliosis? Poliosis occurs when a person is born or develops a patch of white or gray hair while retaining their natural hair color. It can affect children and adults. People with poliosis have a reduced level or a complete lack of melanin in the roots of the affected hair, also called hair follicles. Poliosis alone cannot seriously harm your health and can be covered with hair dye, hats, or scarves if you are not comfortable with them. But poliosis can sometimes coexist with serious illnesses. What Causes Poliosis? Some people say that psychological trauma, physical shock, or oth...

22 Incredible Health Benefits of Fluted Pumpkin Leaves (Ugu)

  Fluted pumpkin leaves are greenish leafy vegetables grown in Nigeria and other West African countries. They are edible when boiled or cooked with foods; it can also be taken as a vegetable salad or as juice when mashed as fresh leaves and the juice extracted. Fluted Pumpkin Leaves is mainly grown in the southern part of Nigeria where it is used in various local cuisines and soup, but it is also grown in other West African countries like Ghana, Sierra Leona, and others. Its scientific name is Telfairia occidentalis and belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family . It is called sokoyokoto in Yoruba, Ugu in the Igbo language, kawa in Hausa, and Ikong-Ubong in Efik. It contains calcium, iron, potassium, and manganese also provides a good amount of vitamin C, A, B2, and E. They are rich in dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins A, B6, C, phosphorus, protein, riboflavin, thiamine, manganese niacin, folate, magnesium, iron, potassium, antioxidants and vitamins flavonoid, poly-phenolic antioxida...

Your Diet Has An Impact On Your Health

  Johnson, an overweight child. He was nicknamed ‘Fat Kid’ at school and grew up bad over the years. He had low self-esteem and always saw food as his peace. He fell into depression and turned to food for comfort. His family members tried to help him with his food allergies, but he hid these snacks and ate them when no one was watching. He was soon diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Johnson needed help, not only with his weight gain but first, with his mind regarding food; then his diet. Can Your Eating Affect Your Mental Health? Research findings revealed that nutritious food is not only good for the body; it is also good for the brain. This information provides a concept called "nutritional (or dietary) mental therapy". There is overwhelming evidence now that food is as important to mental health as it is to physical health. Healthy eating protects you and unhealthy eating is a risk factor for depression and anxiety. Traditionally, we are not t...

13 Amazing Health Benefits of Mangoes, The King of Fruits

For centuries, these tropical tree fruits have been enjoyed for their sweet, bright flavor. More recently, research has uncovered added benefits in the form of key nutrients that help people fight disease, maintain a healthy weight, and even ward off some signs of aging. Like peaches and cherries, mangoes are known as a stone fruit because of their center pit, which is easily recognizable because of its large size and flattened oval shape. Mangoes are originally from India but now grow abundantly in Mexico, South America, Africa, and parts of Florida and California. While at one time considered exotic, mango fruit is now available in most supermarkets and is a common ingredient in many dishes, owing to its popular flavor and versatility — it's delicious sliced, chopped, pureed, juiced, and even roasted. Here is everything you need to know about mangoes, including their nutrition content and health benefits, plus more ways to enjoy eating them. Nutrient Contents of Mangoes Thе mango...