Palm wine might be known as a tropical local alcoholic drink that has a sweet taste when freshly tapped and is enjoyed by as many that loved it either when sweet or sour, thus refreshing them all the time but it is really more than that!. It is usually consumed in homes and at social events. The use of palm wine in traditional ceremonies is popular in many cultures; it is poured during libations as an offering to a deity or god, traditionalists spill it on the ground as a mark of respect to their dead ancestors. It plays a significant role in many traditional events in Africa. For example, it is served as a special drink to guests during celebrations like naming and weddings ceremonies. During traditional weddings in Igboland, palm wine is given to the bride by the head of the family. The bride confirms who her husband is by serving him the palm wine after searching for him among the crowd. There is more to this drink. It’s loaded with nutrients and has a bevy of health benefits....